Portraits, Masks and Hanging Gardens in the Factory Museum

On Friday at 12:00 pm, the Factory Museum hosted the opening of exhibitions and installations relating to Polish folk crafts and multicultural traditions – PORTRAITS, MASKS AND HANGING GARDENS.

Participants could see an exhibition of masks – portraits of inhabitants of four continents: Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The works by Joanna Tumiłowicz were made of yarn. The exhibition included 4 pairs of portraits inspired by the costumes of the Highlanders, as well as Masai, Mexican and Japanese people.

The other painting exhibition presented portraits of representatives of different cultures and included 12 paintings in acrylic technique on canvas. The author of the works is the painter Joanna Aninowska. The portraits present people from Japan, Mexico, Palestine and India.

Spatial installation HANGING GARDENS – prepared by an artist Magdalena Wojtanik-Sacharz with the help of participants of IMAGINATION STUDIO classes from our Youth Centre.

Exhibition of works by the embroidery artist Teresa Foks combined with bead embroidery. The author cultivates the traditions of Łowicz embroidery.

Exhibition of the works of the winners of the GOLDEN BOAT 2022 – DRAWING AND PAINTING competition and the gala of giving out awards.

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