“Baby, dziołchy, krasnolice… Tales of Slavic people”

On Sunday within folkCONTINENT#THEATRE, we had the pleasure to host three exceptional women on our festival stage. The art of storytelling is as old as a man and the word. “Baby, dziołchy, krasnolice… Tales of the Slavic people” is a meeting with storytellers Alia Vuk and Masha Bogucka. There was also Agnieszka Lach- a creator of ethno music.

Alia Vuk – she has been working with the word for years. Teaching, hosting radio shows, singing, and being active in the community of Polish storytellers. Alia specializes in eastern folklore.

Masha Bogucka – an actress, director, animator, and a storyteller. Her repertoire is dominated by Slavic stories, including Polish ones from Oskar Kolberg’s collection.

Agnieszka Lach – a multi-instrumentalist, collector of everything that makes sounds. A constant seeker of new challenges in music. Educator, instructor of workshops and courses on music production, music theory and history. The owner of the STUDIO RECORD.

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